Coastal Navigation course

Steve’s next course is a Coastal Navigation & Tidal Planning course for sea kayakers on Friday 19th November based near Keswick.  This is the one day classroom based, attendance only course for anyone going paddling on the sea in any craft.  It is a prerequisite for those wishing to take British Canoeing’s Sea Kayak Leader qualification.

The course covers marine weather and tides and their implications for paddlers.  It looks at sources of critical information and how to compute tidal heights, flow rates and sea states. Pilotage is included along with practical navigation exercises on both charts and maps.

If you venture onto the sea in or on paddlesports craft this is a very valuable course which is designed to help you make good decisions before setting forth.

Steve will also be running the Sea Kayak Leader training course on the succeeding two days (20th & 21st Nov) on the Cumbrian coast.  If either of these courses are of interest to you please get in touch and we’ll do our best to help. 07796 213817 and