Canoe Open Water Leader

Steve ran a Canoe Leader Open Water training course last weekend.  This newly separated (from WW) award permits more focus on open water skills and knowledge – an opportunity we took full advantage of.  An excellent day on Derwentwater was had building and using sailing rigs for solo boats as well as rafts, personal paddling on open water in waves and wind, group leadership on open water in more challenging conditions as well as the management of a variety of incidents requiring first aid, rescue, improvised craft and self rescue.  This award is already proving popular, particularly with those working in outdoor centres, as they are more likely to be leading on open water rather than rivers.

Special thanks go to Dave Crooks at Endless River in Worcester for so rapidly providing support and equipment to enable everyone’s solo sailing.  Endless River’s solo sailing rig (as in Steve’s boat in the image) is ideal for the task – Steve has no trouble sailing across the wind with this rig using his paddle as a leeboard.

If you’d like to advance your knowledge and understanding of open water canoeing, or to work towards British Canoeing’s qualifications in this environment, please get in touch with Steve – he’ll do his best to help.