Cave Leader Group Day assessment

Cave Leader Group Day Dales

Steve has reduced the amount of work he’s doing but is still responding to requests from individuals and groups needing support with their qualifications and activities.  With this in mind he ran a Cave Leader Group Day assessment for an enthusiastic candidate in Long Churn cave this week.  A super day was had by the whole group.

If you need Steve’s help with any element of your caving please get in touch on 07796 213817 or email

By |July 16th, 2024|Cave|Comments Off on Cave Leader Group Day assessment

Cave Leader courses in the Yorkshire Dales

Vertical Cave Leader training, Yorkshire Dales

Steve’s busy caving year continued this past month with a Cave Leader Group Day assessment (in which the candidate did a very good job of looking after an adult group in Long Churn caves) and a Vertical Cave Leader training course.  There has been a resurgence of interest in caving training and qualifications post Covid which is good to see.

Steve is available to run BCA qualifications courses, or personal caving days for individuals and groups of any standard, wishing to develop their skills and knowledge, or who just want to explore a new and exciting activity.  If you’re new to caving and are considering giving it a try, get in touch with Steve for a chat about possibilities on 07796 213817 and .  There’s no need to get wet, cold or to go into any tight spaces – Steve will ensure you have an enjoyable time that may challenge your preconceptions.

By |March 26th, 2024|Cave|Comments Off on Cave Leader courses in the Yorkshire Dales

Vertical Cave Leader assessment Yorkshire Dales

Vertical Cave Leader assessment

Steve finished off a busy caving week with a Vertical Cave Leader assessment in the Dales.  The candidate did a good job of leading a group of three on an exciting underground adventure.  A great outcome for clients and candidate alike – well done!

Steve runs Cave Leader and Vertical Cave Leader assessments on demand as required.  Call him to discuss your needs on 07796 213817 or email

By |February 5th, 2024|Cave|Comments Off on Vertical Cave Leader assessment Yorkshire Dales

Cave Leader Update Days

Cave Leader Update Yorkshire Dales

Continuing his busy caving week, Steve ran an Update Day for six qualified Cave Leaders.  He ran the day entirely outdoors and practically as a field trip covering issues the candidates wanted and needed to revise, along with providing information to extend and develop their knowledge and practice.  Cave Leaders have to attend an Update Day every five years to maintain their qualification.  All present thought this an excellent and enjoyable day.

Update Days are run centrally by the BCA and Trainers/Assessors deliver them on a rota basis.  Steve adds the date of his next Update to his website as and when it’s scheduled.

By |February 5th, 2024|Cave|Comments Off on Cave Leader Update Days

Cave Leader Training Yorkshire Dales

Cave Leader Group Day Dales

Steve followed up two assessments with a two day Cave Leader training course for six trainees.

We covered karst geography & geology, hydrology, access & conservation, relevant environmental issues, cave formation & formations, personal caving, appropriate equipment, group management and leadership (with a strong emphasis on making sure everyone has an enjoyable and positive experience), navigation underground and the Local Cave leader scheme and progressions.  Steve covered all of this outdoors and in caves in a completely practical and hands on manner – a great time was had by all!

If you are interested in trying caving or developing your current level either for personal recreation or to gain professional leadership qualifications, Steve will be pleased to hear from you and happy to help: and 07796 213817.

By |February 5th, 2024|Cave|Comments Off on Cave Leader Training Yorkshire Dales

Cave Leader Assessment Yorkshire Dales

Cave Leader assessment

Steve recently ran two Cave Leader assessments in the Dales for two capable candidates.  They both gave their groups an excellent experience and left them wanting to do more.  Exactly the response a good trip should generate – well done to both!

Steve is available to run Cave Leader training and assessment on demand.  Call 07796 213817 or email

By |January 28th, 2024|Cave|Comments Off on Cave Leader Assessment Yorkshire Dales

Yorkshire Dales Caving

CIC practice day

Steve is having a busy time caving in December, with Cave Leader training, Vertical Cave Leader training and several assessments at both levels.  He also had a very enjoyable day out supporting a CIC candidate to practice and develop their underground navigation and survey use in a complex cave system (image).

Steve still has a Vertical Leader training coming up on the 12th & 13th December should you be interested.  He can also be contacted to discuss any training, assessing, practice or guiding needs you may have at all levels from novice to advanced, so please get in touch at or on 07796 213817 and he’ll do his best to assist.

By |December 9th, 2023|Cave|Comments Off on Yorkshire Dales Caving

Cave Leader Group Day assssment

Group Day assessment

Steve was out this week running a BCA Cave Leader Group Day assessment in the Yorkshire Dales.  Aspirant Cave Leaders (the award for leading in mainly horizontal caves with some easy scrambling) have to attend a two day training course before presenting for a Core Skills assessment day to check their knowledge, personal skills and equipment use.  They then have to attend a Group Day assessment in which, as the name implies, they lead their own group on a caving trip with an assessor observing.  Assessors are looking for safe, enjoyable and active days out which encourage participants to do more – the candidate this week certainly delivered on those.

If you’re interested in trying caving, caving training or assessment at any level, then Steve will be pleased to hear from you and happy to support you.  Please get in touch on 07796 213817 and

Steve has regular training courses for both Cave Leader and Vertical Cave Leader advertised on the website; he can run assessment days on demand as required.

By |October 1st, 2023|Cave|Comments Off on Cave Leader Group Day assssment

Summer caving in the Dales

Gavel Pot

We had a great day out caving in the Dales recently: Steve took two enthusiastic young cavers out on a vertical trip in Gavel Pot as far as Glasfurd’s Chamber.  A super time was had by all.

If you’d like to try caving (no water, crawling, tight spaces, mud or cold necessary!) please give Steve a call to discuss your needs.  He’ll be pleased to hear from you and happy to help.  07796 213817 and

By |September 7th, 2023|Cave|Comments Off on Summer caving in the Dales

Caving trip to Spain

Spanish Caving Trip

For the first time since the Covid pandemic struck, Steve is able to offer his week long caving trip in Northern Spain.  This trip is for any suitably fit individual (caver or non-caver) interested in day trips into some of Spain’s spectacular caverns.  You do not need to be a caver to take part in this trip as it comprises walking and scrambling in generally large (huge!) spaces with spectacular formations.  The few parts of the systems which require ascending and descending short ropes can easily be managed for everyone by Steve.  The trip will be based in Ramales de la Vittoria and cover Monday to Friday, 16th to 20th October.

If your interest is piqued by this adventure, please get in touch with Steve to discuss the trip in more detail and to find out whether it’s for you: and 07796 213817

By |July 22nd, 2023|Cave|Comments Off on Caving trip to Spain
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